“Estesiometria della cornea a seguito di chirurgia refrattiva corneale” – Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, ottobre 1992. Autore: dott. Marco Abbondanza

“Estesiometria della cornea a seguito di chirurgia refrattiva corneale” – Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, ottobre 1992. Autore: dott. Marco Abbondanza

Articolo originale in tedesco, abstract in inglese:

The corneal sensibility was examined with the aesthesiometer of Draeger in 41 patients after refractive corneal surgery, 31 patients after radial keratotomy, 5 after epikeratophakia, 5 after excimer laser ablation. It could be shown that after radial corneal incisions the sensibility remains normal. After epikeratophakia the corneal sensibility is asensible even 3 years after operation. The lenticle periphery shows an increase of sensibility after 6 months. Excimer patients with “haze” showed a significant hyposensibility in the centre. The central sensibility showed normal values after a normal corneal wound healing.


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